New England Wedding Videography
At Humblebee Wedding Films, we believe in the power of storytelling through breathtaking cinematography. Your wedding day is not just an event; it’s a journey, a culmination of your unique love story. We are here to capture every moment, every feeling, and every special memory. We turn them into treasures you will cherish forever.
Our wedding videography team is unobtrusive and stealthy
Our wedding videography team captures your special moments seamlessly without disrupting the flow of your day.
We work discreetly to ensure every memory is preserved naturally and authentically.
We blend cinematic and documentary film styles to capture real, candid moments that feel like you are watching a movie.
We have provided wedding videography across 7 states and more than 50 unique venues
Every wedding is a new adventure for us, very rarely do we film at the same location more than once. We make films unique to each of our couples individual styles and preferences. If you don’t see an example of the style you are looking for, just ask!
We are a wedding videography service provider first, and creative artists second
Personalized storytelling
We believe every love story is unique, and your wedding film should reflect that. Our team works closely with you to understand your journey, capturing the heartfelt moments that matter most. From the laughter to the tears, we weave together a film that tells your story authentically.
Cinematic quality
We bring a cinematic approach to wedding videography, using professional-grade equipment and creative techniques to deliver stunning visuals. Your wedding day will be captured with the same care and precision as a feature film, ensuring every frame is a work of art.
Enhance the experience
We’re committed to ensuring you fully enjoy your wedding day without distractions. Our approach is seamless and unobtrusive, allowing you to stay present in the moment while we capture every special memory.
Contact Us
Check to make sure we are available for wedding videography on your date
Contact us today to check our availability for your wedding date and ensure you don’t miss out on our wedding videography services. We love connecting with couples and scheduling a video call is the best way to get to know you better. This call helps us understand your wedding vision and ensures our wedding videography style perfectly captures your unique love story.
These are the wedding videography professionals behind Humblebee Wedding Films
Read real reviews from our past wedding videography couples
Wedding videography is a service, business is an art
Many creatives in our industry lack experience running a business and as a result their communication and processes leave a lot to be desired. We are service-focused and business forward, you wouldn’t want an unresponsive wedding vendor…
We understand that communication above all else is most important to our wedding couples. Our systems allow us to stay on top of all communications and respond in a timely manner.
No silly fees
We want to make it easy for you to book us. That means we don’t charge for travel within New England. We don’t charge credit card fees. There are no surprises when you are working with our team.
Nobody likes a stressful environment, especially on your wedding day. Our role is to alleviate stress from our couples, even if that means putting the camera down and helping other vendors get set up.
Super fast turnaround
We’ve seen countless couples complain about waiting for their films for 6-12 months after their wedding. We only book a finite amount of weddings so we can turn your films around in 30 days.
The Bottom Line
We have VERY limited availability for 2025 & 2026
I’m sorry to say, but since our wedding videography services are in such high demand we can’t pick every wedding couple to work with us.
Fill out the form below to first make sure we have your date available and you will get a text message with a link to view our pricing guide.
After, let’s schedule a quick video call so we can learn more about you, your partner, your love story and together we will determine if we are a good fit.